Welcome to Delmarva Robotics!!
This site is a collection point for robotics in the Delmarva region (New Castle, Kent and Sussex counties in Delaware; Somerset, Wicomico, Somerset and Worcester counties in Maryland; and Accomack, Nothhampton counties in Virginia.
We focus on VEX robotics competitions using the VEX EDR metal and VEX IQ plastic robots. Competitions cover Elementary to College age students.
Look here for team, robot information and the calendar of all events.
Why Delmarva and not just Delaware? Pretty simple, grab a map. Look at the way Somerset, Wicomico and Worcester counties are along the bottom. Maryland holds their State Championship west of Baltimore, so it’s a 4.5 hour drive for roboteers and their families. The Delmarva Championship is in Dover, about 1/2 the time to get there for these teams. So to help the inspiration, adding them into Delmarva just makes sense.
Likewise, for the roboteers in Accomack and Northhampton VA, it’s a long drive to Richmond. So again having them part of Delmarva makes a difference. Convincing a parent to drive 2 hours, play robots for 6 and drive for 2 hours is a much easier sell than making it a 15 hour day.
Now add in the diversity in robot design. By having a larger area, more roboteers with cool ideas are building more interesting robots. Lots of times robot designs have lots of inbreeding, so we end up with semi-clone bots. With the spread of teams, we get more designs.
Now the last is events. It’s easy to have just two events and then the States. That’s very little competition for a lot of robot design and construction. So by having a larger area means more competitions. More competitions means more chances for roboteers to do the design <-> compete iteration cycle. So now with more designs, we get better designs.
With all of that we get more inspiration, because at the end of the day, that’s what we are about, inspiring students into STEM careers.
There are currently 67 robot organizations in Delmarva and that number grows every week.
Contact Foster to get your information added.