November meeting is practice matches
December meeting is practice matches
January meeting is open scrimmage with other teams to prepare for Innobots on Feb 29
February meeting is open scrimmage with other teams to prepare for Innobots on Feb 29
March meeting beginning programming Modkit
November meeting is practice matches
December meeting is practice matches
January meeting is open scrimmage with other teams to prepare for Innobots on Feb 29
February meeting is open scrimmage with other teams to prepare for Innobots on Feb 29
March meeting beginning programming Modkit
November meeting is practice matches
December meeting is practice matches
January meeting is open scrimmage with other teams to prepare for Innobots on Feb 29
February meeting is open scrimmage with other teams to prepare for Innobots on Feb 29
March meeting beginning programming Modkit
Our first skills event, your choice of playing at the Darley Road Robotics Center or playing remotely.
Teams will be given 30 minute slots to run their skills runs = 3 Driver + 3 Programming
Teams will be responsible for cleaning their elements when leaving