November meeting is practice matches
December meeting is practice matches
January meeting is open scrimmage with other teams to prepare for Innobots on Feb 29
February meeting is open scrimmage with other teams to prepare for Innobots on Feb 29
March meeting beginning programming Modkit
November meeting is practice matches
December meeting is practice matches
January meeting is open scrimmage with other teams to prepare for Innobots on Feb 29
February meeting is open scrimmage with other teams to prepare for Innobots on Feb 29
March meeting beginning programming Modkit
November meeting is practice matches
December meeting is practice matches
January meeting is open scrimmage with other teams to prepare for Innobots on Feb 29
February meeting is open scrimmage with other teams to prepare for Innobots on Feb 29
March meeting beginning programming Modkit
Come play Tower Takeover! This is a combined HS/MS event, which means all grade levels will play with (and against) each other.
Food and drink will be available all day