This is the Wicomico Winter VEX Tournament
Delaware Technical Community College Winter Classic — Come play a game from VRC past, this year we are playing In the Zone from the 2017-18 season.
DTCC Terry Campus Map for exact directions.
This is the last 2018 drop-in open Tech Time at the library. There will be VexIQ robots to drive, Lego to build, a 3D Printer available for printing plus a Green Screen to enjoy. Tech kids from ages 5 – ??? are welcome, so bring your adult with you).
Join the staff at the Claymont Public Library in their Robotics Laboratory the second and fourth Tuesday of the Month.
For roboteers ages 8 through 12 the have VEX IQ robot construction. This year roboteers will be building robots to play the game “Next Level” and competing with other Libraries in the spring.
Roboteers ages 5 and up will be learning programming skills with the DASH robot. Our little blue friend can move, draw, look around, and talk under the direction of the roboteers. Lots of fun playing games and learning basic Scratch Language programming.
Scratch is also the programming in VEXIQ, so roboteers can also see their programming in action with the VEXIQ robots.
Maple Lane welcomes you to their very first competition and one of the Friday events in the Brandywine School District.
Awards will be the two tournament winners, two finalists, a build award for the best built robot and a judges award.
November meeting is practice matches
December meeting is practice matches
January meeting is open scrimmage with other teams to prepare for Innobots on Feb 29
February meeting is open scrimmage with other teams to prepare for Innobots on Feb 29
March meeting beginning programming Modkit
This event has been canceled and will not be rescheduled.
Scrimmage for Turning Point at DTCC
9:00 am – 10:00 am: Workshop
10:00 am – 1:00 pm: Scrimmage
Play Next Level at Forwood Elementary. This Friday night event is fun for the entire family.
Pizza and drinks will be available