This seasons inaugural event for Squared Away was held at Maple Lane Elementary School.
Roboteers played 60 qualification matches and moved into the finals round.
Winners were
Team Maple Lane Gears and
Team Claymont Boeing with 37 points in the final match
Team Claymont IDEO
Team Claymont Lenovo with 22 points
IDEO had the high average for the event at 14 points.
Awards went to
Maple Lane Orange Grapes – Amaze Award for their teamwork and sportsmanship at the event.
Claymont Boeing – Build Award for their robot that could scoop up balls and also score the green cubes on the raised platform.
There were 15 teams at the Maple Lane event
Carrcroft Tiny Turtles
Carrcroft Komodo Dragons
Carrcroft Dominating Lizards
Carrcroft Slithering Snakes
Carrcroft Bearded Dragons
Claymont Boeing
Claymont Pixar
Claymont Tesla
Claymont Kaloke
Claymont Lenovo
Claymont Samsung
Claymont IDEO
Maple Lane Gears
Maple Lane Orange Grapes
Maple Lane Roboteers