VEX Worlds Results 2019

In the VRC side, only two teams from Delmarva were able to make it to Worlds High School event.

3389E Tec-Tigers Wicomico County Robotics Club

3389C TEC-Tigers Wicomico County Robotics Club

3389C Placed 175 out of 305 for skills, they placed 64th out of 96. The 3389E robot placed 84th out of 96 in their division

On the VIQ side:

23B Claymont Boeing Claymont Elementary

23T Claymont Tesla Claymont Elementary

19968E HOB Vikings Robotics H. O. Brittingham Elementary School
played in the elementary tournament. Claymont Boeing had a great event, they were ranked 24th in their division. Sadly they missed the top 22 team playoff by 2 points. H. O. Brittingham and Claymont Tesla didn’t fare as well, they were both in the bottom 25%.

In the middle school tournament

50100A Dark Side Robotics Dark Side Robotics

Dark Side had lots of fun but ended up 64 out of 82.

National Robotics Week 2019

National Robotics Week (RoboWeek) is a series of grassroots events and activities during the month of April aimed at increasing public awareness of the strength and importance of the U.S. robotics industry and of the tremendous social and cultural impact that robotics will have on the future. Activities come in all shapes and sizes from a robot block party, university open house, or a robotics competition. The mission of RoboWeek is simple — to inspire students in STEM-related fields and to share the excitement of robotics with audiences of all ages.

This year National Robotics week this year is April 6-14/

Do something robotics this week!